Anannya Kaushik

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As the pioneering initiative of Mahila Dakshata Samiti, Family Counselling is the largest and ongoing project of the Samiti since 1978. The Family counselling centers and Legal Aid are the mirror images of qualitative and quantitative changes that are taking place in the society and impact women’s lives.

Aim & Mission

The mission of counselling center is to extend support to strengthen individual and their relationships in stress with special emphasis on the family as a basic unit of society. The center provides dedicated professional & confidential services that are sensitive to the specific belief system, cultural ethos and differing life cycle needs of men, women and children. Through this support, the Samiti enables individual men / women to make an informed choice and thereby improve the quality of their lives.

As an ongoing activity, the Samiti engages with men / women / children / senior citizens in need of emotional / social and legal support. The clients are from a wide cross section of society. The problems brought before the Samiti are varied and diverse; ranging from domestic-violence, dowry demands and harassment, desertions, sexual harassment at work place, marital maladjustment, and depression.


Assistance is provided in the form of counselling, arbitration in cases of conflicts in the family, shelter for women who have no place to go & need shelter, psychological evaluation and assistance, legal assistance in the form of pre-litigation services and at litigation stages, Police-assistance where legal proceedings need to be initiated through Police, referrals to other organizations like Child-Welfare Committee or Legal Aid Services, National Commission / State Commission for Women, National Human Rights Commission and Vocational Training.

In recognitions of its services in the field of social-services, the Govt. has appointed Mahila Dakshata Samiti as Service-Provider in the implementation of the protection of women in Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005. Various colleges of University send their students to gain insight and first hand information about laws related to women, for field work & orientation programs in counselling